Jekyll Installation

Posted by Dave Lee on December 27, 2019 · 2 mins read


  • In order to install GitHub blog, you have to install theme and create a basic project first. In case of my blog, jekyll theme has been installed on Mac OS.


Jekyll can be installed on Mac OS, Windows, and Linux Ubuntu. Here are some tips how to install jekyll on Mac and Windows. Most of the processes are same. If you want to get more information regarding theme, you can directly check the jekyll website.


Currently, my blog uses the following version.

  • Ruby: ruby 2.6.3p62
  • Jekyll: jekyll-3.8.6

Ruby Installation

Since jekyll is the one of Ruby Gems, you need to install Ruby first.

Install Ruby on Mac

brew install ruby

Install Ruby on Windows

  • Use Ruby installer.
  • Download: RubyInstaller for Windows
  • Install Ruby + Devkit version 2.4 or higher.

Check Ruby installed

ruby -v

Jekyll Ruby Gem Installation

If you successfully installed Ruby, you could install Jekyll Gem by utilizing Ruby.

Jekyll Ruby Gem Installation

gem install bundler jekyll

Check Jekyll Ruby Gem installed successfully

jekyll -v OR jekyll --version

Create a basic project by Jekyll Gem

Create a project

You can create jekyll project by jekyll new [project name] command

jekyll new
And then you can find the directory of your new project following the command below:
Here’s some default directory files once you successfully created a new project:
|-- posts
| |-- 2020-03-19-hello-jekyll.markdown
|-- .gitignore
|-- 404.html
|-- Gemfile
|-- Gemfile.lock

How to start Jekyll

bundle exec jekyll serve
Once it is started, you could access to “”, which is a local server by opening a browser.


Jekyll official website:

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